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10 hacks to use Google keyword planner Tool for keyword research

This time writing content is not good enough to get traffic, key point is to do keyword research and Google Keyword Planner tool is 100% free tool, which will help you to make your keyword research job easier.
If you will go to keyword research forums, very few people suggest using Google keyword tool as keyword research.
But why?
It is because of this.
Google Keyword Planner Tool Average Monthly Searches
Yes, In early days Google was sharing Exact Average monthly searches for specific queries but now it has stooped.
Every blogger or content writer always look for exact keyword average monthly searches instead of any specified range of searches.
But to help advertiser not to search engine optimizer google has done changes and it makes people stay away from Google keyword planner tool.
To solve people problem new tool came into the picture such as Ahref, SemRush, Longtail pro etc. but all are paid and not easy to afford.
As a beginner, you always look for low budget or free tool to help you find with the good keywords.
But, many of us not know the jewel hidden in the Google keyword planner tool.
Here in Detail guide, I will tell you 10 hacks of Google keyword planner which will help you to reduce overburden on your pocket money for purchasing paid tools.
This guide is very comprehensive so advice you to bookmark this page as you will have to come back again and again to repeat the strategy.
Let first Discuss how to sign up for Google Keyword Planner?

Sign up Google Keyword Planner Tool

Google keyword planner is a tool inside Google Adwords and to create an account with Google AdWords is 100% free.
You should have a google account, which we usually call  Gmail ID.
Simply follow below steps to access Google keyword planner.
-Create a Gmail ID for an initial Google account.
-Go to Google Adwords –Goolge Adword.
-Click sign in and provide your Gmail ID and Password to login.
-On Displayed screen click “Experienced with Google Ads?
Home Page of Adword
-It will ask you to create a campaign so click here “Create Account without a Campaign”.
Skip for Ad Campaign

-Next will ask you to confirm basic option like country, currency, Time Zone so simply hit Submit Button.
Account Detail GKP
Congrats!! You are successfully registered with Google Adwords.
Successful Sign up GKP
It is a myth that to use google keyword planner you have to run Ads Campaign but the reality is to access Google keyword planner you should have only Google Adwords account, so simple.
-Click to Explore your account
You are on home page of Google Ad word, so go to top right corner and follow below steps.
Click to, Tool>Keyword Planner.
Keyword Planer Sign in
Welcome, you are in Google keyword planner.
Keyword Planner Home page
Two options will be available to start the search, I will explain all in detail.
Great good going, till now you are good and successfully landed to Google keyword planner.
Before exposing those 10 hacks, first learn about the basic filter options.

Introduction of Google Keyword Planner

To search any keyword, first, click to “Find New Keyword” and type seed keyword.
Find Keyword GKP
You will be navigated to the main keyword screen, where keyword related to the main keyword will be displayed.
List of Keywords
Keyword (by relevance) – This will list all closely related keywords for entered seed keyword.By adding suffix and prefix.
Avg Monthly Searches – For specific keyword, how many google search queries fired on monthly basis.
Competition – This is often mistake every content writer does, here competition means how much competition this keyword is to biding for an advertiser, not for Seo.
Few people use this parameter as search engine optimization ranking and target it,but reality is different.
Top of Page Bid (low-high)- It will help all Adsense advertiser to learn past 1 month low or highest bid for that specific keyword and will help the blogger to find commercial intent keyword.
Usually, this five parameter displayed for each keyword, so let’s go for 10 hacks on how to use google keyword planner.

10 Hacks of Google Keyword Planner

This 10 hacks will tell you complete process on how to use Google keyword planner tool effectively,few of them are well known to everyone who has already used tool
For a beginner, this is going to be the best guide on how to do keyword research.
Before checking any keyword in google keyword planner make sure to select location and language at top left corner.
Google Keyword Planner Country and Language
Make the search network as it is “Google“.
1 – Find out any Keyword exact Avg Monthly search
This is major hack everyone is looking for. We know this is the only reason why people are not using the Google keyword planner.
Because, it has no way to find exact monthly search for an exact keyword, but you can crack this code and can get the exact number.
How to do that, simply follow below process.
-Search for specific seed keyword
-It will navigate to related keyword search results.
-Click to the checkbox for any specific keyword
-Click to Add to Plan option
Add In Plan- GKP
-Go to “Plan Overview” option.
-Change Max CPC to any highest value and find the change in Impression numbers.
Impression in GKP
This max impression will display an exact number for which this keyword will display in the search engine.
This is a bit close to any paid tool such as Ahref, find below screenshot taken from Ahref.
Keyword Average monthly volume looks same as Ahref this is accurate data Keyword planner displayed and narrow down your keyword will get more accurate results.
So now you have a keyword which potential traffic you are well known.
2-Search  Multiple Keywords
Let say, you want to search multiple keywords at a time which are correlated or may not be to find a large number of related keywords.
It is simple to do with the Google keyword planner.
Multiple Keyword in google keyword planner
Simply enter multiple keywords in search and hit get started, now the list of different keyword ideas will display with a combination of searched multiple keywords.
Search Term GKP
This is same as other paid tools where you can search multiple seed keyword at a time.
3- Hack to a competitive website
Google keyword planner is limited to search for a specific keyword, same as other paid tools it also provides you to check keywords for any competitive website.
But how?
Go back to search home page and this time provide the competitive website.
Make sure to provide niche website of your specific keyword.
Let say you are looking for health niche keyword than use healthline.com
If looking for Cryptocurrency keyword than go for coindesk.com, in a similar way you should have some website which is well known and daily getting the good amount of traffic.
Let me show you how to do with health niche.
Webite hack in GKP
Enter the website domain name, it will auto-suggest what you want them to search.
You can choose any of the three categories
  • Entire domain will search the whole website
  • Specific page, in that case, you have to provide any page url of Healthline website.
  • what you entered is a keyword.
Now the choice is yours, but here we are not sure which keyword we want to target so will search for an entire site. So select and hit Get Started
Health niche keyword GKP
Now search for any high traffic keyword and will head over to anyone Seo ranking tool to find out Seo difficulty.
Do not worry will tell you how to find less competitive keyword using Free Seo tool.
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4 – Explore more keyword using Filter
What you have learned is default search displayed by Google keyword planner tool.
Now, if you want to narrow down your filter than you can place some constraint to your search.
But how?
Simply, go to filter option and click that, a list of selection window will open.
Filter GKP
Filter Option GKP
Let me brief you on how to use this filter.
Keyword Text – You can narrow down your keyword to specific keyword such as health only so chose Keyword text>contains>Enter keyword.
Keyword text GKP
Competition -You can choose among Low, Medium and High, here high will be the more commercial intent keyword.
Competition GKP
Page Bid – Using this you can filter keyword which is in a bid for a specific amount.
Page Bid GKP
These three filters are most important to narrow down your search.
In Keyword text, I could choose contains keyword like health, medicine etc and can select does not contain exercise and doctor etc.
In addition to keyword, Will set a competition to Low and Bid more than 100 INR (Any Amount).
Keyword Ideas GKP
This will retrieve only specific keyword which fulfills the specified condition.
This is same as other paid tools, you have narrow down your search results.
5- Find keyword targeted for a specified location
If you are writing content specific to any city or small region than you look for a keyword which is searched in that specific area.
This is simple and easy.
Go to the target location and specify your specific city, which you want to target and the next upcoming search results will be based on that specific city search ranking.
Search Location GKP
If you want to go for specific keyword traffic in a country, so follow steps.
  • Search for specific keyword
  • Now add a keyword to “Add to plan”, same as done in #1.
  • Go to plan overview tab and scroll down for country chart
Search location GKP
You can place a filter for city, countries or provinces.
This will help you to find target keywords, which suits your regional specific blog.
Such as sharing daily news, Near me product or services information.
6-Find Commercial Keyword for high CPC.
I am not sure what is your motive behind the start of any blog, but if you want to generate revenue than Google Adsense is the best way to do it.
Every advertiser place bid for google advertisement and best of Google keyword planner tool is it’s low and high bid column included for each keyword.
This will give us an idea for a specific keyword what was the range of bid in 1-month duration.
Simply sort “Top of page bid” in Ascending order and you can get the list of keywords which can give you a lot much commission if you are able to rank for same.
High CPC Keyword GKPThis is interesting, isn’t it?
Let’s move on to the next hack.
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7 – Search for question keywords phrases.
Every seed keyword is asked by readers in terms of the question, such as what is Seo? , why backlink require? how to rank in google?
But to find them randomly, one by one is a tricky job.
So Google keyword planner has a solution for this.
You have already learned about it
Follow below steps
  • Go to find keyword
  • Enter seed keyword
  • click to Get started.
  • On the list of keyword, option go to filter
  • Select keyword text and chose contains.
  • Now provide why, when, how, which etc.
  • Simply apply the filter.
Now, you will have a list of multiple questions with monthly searches volume and you can find your target high volume keyword out from it.
Question based keyword GKPTarget this keyword in your blog by answering questions, will boost your page traffic.
8- Target keyword for a specific device.
People use different devices to browse on the internet such as mobile phones, desktop, tablet and every device has specific users.
Such as business works mainly happen in office so people use Desktop and recipe and other educations searches mostly happen on mobile devices.
Sometimes your website browses well in mobile but not on the desktop so this is the best way to find a targeted keyword which has more volume from a specific device.
So, if you want to target specific keyword for a device then do follow below steps.
  • Search for a keyword
  • Add a keyword to “Add to plan”, same as done in #1.
  • Go to plan overview and scroll down the bottom
Device GKP
For every device based on clicks, impression and cost, a bar chart will be displayed, chose according to your choice.
Our motive is to check search criteria and refer impression which looks good in Desktop than mobile phones than a tablet.
So this keyword “what is Seo” is best for the desktop target.
9- Crack Low Competition high Volume Keyword.
This is a hack trick to find out strong keyword
Usually, people love to target high CPC keyword with decent volume.
But not to low CPC keyword. So you have to reverse your search pattern for great results.
So simply sort your Top page bid to descending order where low CPC keyword will come to first.
This is like a jewel which only a few people target so check below, what I found after sorting.
Keyword Descending order GKP
Keyword “optimization” has volume more than 10k and CPC is also good.
Repeat your strategy for a different keyword in the same way until you find right keyword.
10 Key Phrase search
This time keyword research is not limited to 1 word, because it is very hard to compete.
So other paid tool provides a way to search for longtail keyword.
Not to worry,
Google keyword planner tool does the same for you.
Simply go to home keyword finding a page.
Enter any key phrase such as shown below and click get started
Long tail keyword -GKP
Now, in the search result, you will have long tail keyword ideas.
Long tail keyword related IDeas
It is so simple and easy to crack.
Apply various filters the way you have learned earlier and try to find out best long tail keyword
This is the end of my guide on how to use Google keyword planner and i have revealed top 10 hacks to use google keyword planner tool.
Whatever keyword you find is based on  volume searches or commercial intent, now what about Seo for that keyword.
Because experts say pages which displayed on Top 10 pages of the search engine will perform better than other pages.
So here are bonus tips for you how to crack this using free tool call UberSuggest.
Before learning Seo tool, make sure you are aware of Seo. Here is an ultimate guide on What is Seo and which one is best to rank in search engine ranking.
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How to Use UberSuggest

Here in this guide, I will not explain in detail about ubersuggest, this is just an overview.
Ubersuggest will help you to identify the keyword which you have chosen from google keyword planner is how much competitive.
The best part is, this is 100% Free tool for SEO.
Follow below steps.
-Go to UberSuggest
UberSuggest HomePage
-Chose specific country
-Enter Keyword which you have found using google keyword.
Let say, here we use keyword optimize
-Hit Search button.
KeyWord Difficulty UberSugest
In this way, we found that keyword Optimize is quite competitive.
It has a large volume of 33K and CPC of 7.44$ but to rank this in Google top 10 pages will require lot many backlinks.
So the combination of Google keyword planner tool with UbeSuggest creates the best combination of Seo Free tool.

The bottom line of the guide

Not every tool is free to use but thanks to Neil Patel for sharing such an amazing free tool to get an idea of SEO difficulty to rank for.
Thanks to Google as usual for sharing such an amazing tool Googe keyword planner for free to use.
Before ending this guide, let me tell you one hidden extension of Chrome calls “Keyword everywhere“.
KeyYword Everywhere
If this added to your chrome and you search for any query then in result to righ hand side of top 10 pages will have the list of related keyword.
Search suggestionsUse this keyword in Ubersuggest and repeat the same process.
So this is the end of an ultimate guide of Google keyword planner. This proves that Google keyword planner is not less than any other paid tool.
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I tried my best to uncover the most possible ways to use Google keyword planner, let me know if you have any other hacks of Google keyword planner tool.
Read – 7 steps Guide to start a successful Blog
Do you know the difference between Blog and website?
Have a look to ultimate guide on What is the difference between Blog and Website.

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